Thank you for your interest in online valuation for an apartment in Beroun

RNDr. Martin Pleskač
RNDr. Martin Pleskač

Thank you for requestinga price estimate for an apartment in Beroun. We have just emailed you the valuation.

The price maps for Beroun are processed by RNDr. Martin Pleskač. If you have any questions about the price estimate you have been sent, then please contact Mr. Pleskač on tel. 734 862 973

Please note: The price range you have been sent is based on our database of apartments sold in Beroun over the last six months. Prices are constantly evolving and while a price map is a helpful guide to a property’s market value, it can never exactly predict the price of a particular apartment. Instead, factors such as recent reconstruction, orientation of windows, the presence of an elevator, which floor the proprty is on, and if it has any views, etc. all effect a property’s ultimate selling price.

Do you want to determine the exact price of your apartment?

Then send me your phone number (if you have not already included it in in the previous form) and I will get back to you. Alternatively, call me on 734 862 973.