“We guarantee our customers highly ethical behaviour by acting in accordance with the Complaints Code.”
- RE/MAX real estate agency means a natural or legal person doing business in the Czech Republic in the field of real estate activities, which is contractually entitled and obliged to use the RE/MAX system on the basis of a franchise agreement concluded with Kreuziger&Sobotik, s.r.o., with registered office in Prague 9, K Rukavičkárně 94, IČ 271 77 149 (hereinafter referred to as “RE/MAX Czech Republic”). Each RE/MAX real estate agency is independently owned and operated.
- Client means any natural or legal person to whom RE/MAX real estate agency provides real estate services for a fee on the basis of a real estate services contract. The client is not the other party to the mediated contract, i.e. the person who has been sought out by RE/MAX in the course of providing real estate services (in particular the buyer or tenant). This person does not become a client even by concluding an agreement on the deposit.
- If the client finds the services provided by the respective RE/MAX real estate agency to be unsatisfactory, or if he/she has other reservations regarding the conduct of the business case, he/she has the right to submit these reservations (hereinafter referred to as “complaints”) to the respective RE/MAX real estate agency or by filling in the complaint form on the website www.re-max.cz.
- The respective RE/MAX real estate agency is obliged to fill in a complaint form with the client for each complaint filed with them.
- The complaint will be handled by the relevant RE/MAX real estate agency without delay, at the latest within 5 working days from the date of the complaint, unless the RE/MAX real estate agency agrees otherwise in writing with the client.
- The RE/MAX real estate agency may accept the complaint as justified or reject it as unjustified.
- If the RE/MAX real estate agency accepts the complaint as justified, it will take action to remedy the undesirable condition at its own expense. Removal of the undesirable condition may also consist of providing compensation to the client. Compensation means, in particular, a reasonable discount on the real estate services provided. RE/MAX will send a copy of the complaint form including information on the settlement of the complaint to RE/MAX Czech Republic.
- If the RE/MAX real estate agency rejects the complaint as unjustified, it informs the client immediately. RE/MAX will send a copy of the complaint form including information about the settlement of the complaint to RE/MAX Czech Republic. RE/MAX Czech Republic will evaluate the complaint and, if it accepts it as justified in whole or in part, will invite the relevant RE/MAX real estate agency to take appropriate remedial action in accordance with RE/MAX Czech Republic’s instructions.
- Based on the findings of the complaints, the RE/MAX real estate agency and RE/MAX Czech Republic draws consequences, establishes methods, guidelines and gives instructions in order to prevent the occurrence of any further complaints.
- If a dispute arises between the parties to the contract, the right to an out-of-court settlement arises. A request for out-of-court dispute resolution pursuant to Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, shall be submitted to the Czech Trade Inspection Authority. All the details of the out-of-court settlement are given on the website of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority www.coi.cz.
- RE/MAX Real Estate Agency and RE/MAX Czech Republic ensures the protection of personal data provided by clients in accordance with the laws of the European Union and the Czech Republic.
- This Complaints Procedure is binding for all RE/MAX real estate agencies in the Czech Republic and can only be changed by RE/MAX Czech Republic.
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Call the 24 hour manager at +420 603 426 237
You can also complain about an agent’s work using the following form. Your response will be sent immediately to the manager’s mobile phone and will be dealt with immediately.