Price list of property valuations

Here is a price list of all the different types of estimate that we offer.

Free estimates for owners

A price estimate will give you a general overview of a property’s value, but may not be completely accurate. We believe our valuations are within ± 10% of the true market value.

A more accurate valuation can only be made after an in-person inspection of the property. Doing this allows the appraiser to assess the exact location and condition of a property, to weigh up the pros and cons, and to gauge its potential. A very precise estimate may be charged depending on its complexity. Contact your real estate agent for more information. Our property price estimates can provide you with all the relevant information you need to help you make the right decision.

You can request a property valuation on the Property Valuations page.

Price estimates for inheritance proceedings

Sell ​​with us and the price estimate is free!

Estimating a property’s value for inheritance proceedings is free if you then later sell the property through our office. In other cases, the price is:

990 Czk including VAT for each apartment or plot of land
1,990 Czk including VAT for each house

An in-person assessment +500 Czk including VAT.

You can request a property valuation on the Property Valuations for Inheritance Proceedings page

Estimates of a property’s value for divorce settlement and joint-ownership

Sell ​​with us and the price estimate is free!

Estimating a property’s value as part of a divorce settlement is free if you later sell the property through our office.

In other cases, the fee depends on whether you are interested in a simplified property evaluation or in a certified expert opinion.

A) A simplified property evaluation

This estimate is sufficient for resolving the division of property in regards to joint ownership and / or divorce.

990 Czk including VAT per apartment or plot of land
1,990 Czk including VAT for a house

An in-person assessment +500 CZK including VAT.

B) A certified expert opinion suitable for use in court

You will need this opinion if the court is deciding the outcome of a joint-ownership settlement.

The approximate fee for an expert opinion from an authorised expert is typically about 3,000 to 6,000 Czk. The exact price is based on the size of the property and assets.

You can request a property estimate by a certified expert on the Property Estimates for Divorces page

Estimates for the settlement of property joint-ownership

Price estimates for the settlement of joint property ownership cost:

990 Czk including VAT per apartment or plot of land.
1,990 Czk including VAT for a house

For an in-person survey, the fee is +500 CZK including VAT.

If at any time in the future you later decide to sell the property through our office, we will refund the cost of the estimate.

You can request a property valuation on the Property Valuations page.

Price estimates for buyers

Are you buying a property and want to know its true market value?

This price estimate will stop you from paying too much for a property.

990 Czk including VAT per apartment or plot of land.
1,990 Czk
including VAT for a house

For an in-person survey, the fee is +500 CZK including VAT.

You can request a property valuation on the Property Valuations page.

Price estimates for tax purposes

Due to the expected abolition of real estate acquisition tax and the suspension of filing returns for the purposes of this tax, we no longer offer estimates for this purpose.